Billable Under Extended Health Insurance
Billable Under Extended Health Insurance ☆
Custom Made Orthotics
Billable Under Your Extended Health Insurance Plan
At Tru Performance, we provide Custom Made Orthotics for the treatment and management of biomechanical foot and ankle conditions. Orthotics are meant to provide support and alignment for the musculoskeletal structures of the body to reduce pain, and improve function.
How can I get Orthotics?
Step 1
Complete a biomechanical assessment and gait analysis by booking an appointment online with our Chiropractor or Physiotherapist.
Step 2
Our Healthcare Practitioner will determine which orthotics are most suitable for your conditions based on their findings, and place an order through our affiliated custom orthotics provider. We will provide all documentation to submit to your Insurance Provider.
Step 3
Book a complimentary 10-minute follow up appointment with the Chiropractor or Physiotherapist to receive your custom made orthotics, and learn how to properly use them to maximize the benefits.
Orthotics FAQs
Our Chiropractor or Physiotherapist will conduct a bio-mechanical assessment and gait analysis to determine the structure, function and movement of your feet and lower limbs.
Gait analysis is a more specialized assessment focused specifically on the way you walk. This provides detailed data on your walking patterns.
Both the bio-mechanical assessment and gait analysis are crucial to help determine which specific orthotics are appropriate, as well as treatment option.
After the assessment, an order will be placed for your custom made orthotics.
We get asked often why someone would need orthotics. There are several reasons why an individual may benefit from the use of orthotics. If you have one or more of the following:
• Knee, Hip, Ankle or Low Back Pain
• Bunions
• Bursitis
• Flat Feet or Fallen Arches
• Hammer Toes
• Heel Spurs
• High Arches
• Injuries
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Leg Length Discrepancy
There is no specific age requirement for orthotics. However, due to growth phases and insurance policies, it is highly recommended that orthotics are only ordered for individuals ages 12 and up. It is important to note that most insurance companies will not cover orthotics for children under 12 years of age.
Yes, custom made orthotics can be used in different shoes. Your practitioner will show you how to properly fit them within your shoes during your follow up appointment. If the orthotics are too large based on the style of shoe, it can be sent back to the Manufacturing Lab to be reshaped.
Orthotics usually take 5 to 10 business days from the order date to arrive in clinic. We will notify you upon reception of the orthotics to schedule pick-up and your complimentary follow-up appointment.
Details regarding billing and coverage for Custom Made Orthotics (CMO) with your Extended Health Insurance can be found under Medical Services and Supplies. Requirement for CMO may vary depending on insurance plans. While Chiropractors and Physiotherapists can assess, order and dispense them, Custom Made Orthotics are not covered under Chiropractic Services.
No, direct billing is not permissible for Custom Made Orthotics (CMO). Patients are advised to check with their insurance companies with regards to their coverage for CMO. We will provide all necessary documents and forms that insurance companies require to submit and receive reimbursement.
Yes! This complimentary 10-min follow up appointment is designed to ensure that you make the most out of your Custom Made Orthotics. Our Chiropractor will run through how to insert orthotics into footwear, the proper method on how to “break them in”, wear them effectively and answer any questions that you may have. We are not allowed to dispense orthotics to clients without this appointment being fulfilled.
It is completely normal to feel discomfort from the first couple of days up to 2 weeks after wearing your new pair of orthotics. You may feel soreness or discomfort in your back, hips, knees, ankles and/or feet. This is simply your body adjusting to the new alignment and support provided by the orthotics. This feeling should go away after 1 to 2 weeks. Our Chiropractor will go over the proper method to break them in to minimize discomfort.